I am Lisa, a writer of Paranormal, Fantasy, and Young Adult. I am working on many projects, but my current WIP is about a girl who has super powers and is experiencing PTSD. I hope this blog will follow my progress and rising star. Or rants about whatever I feel like, whichever comes first.

My eventual goal is to blog three times a week. Mondays will be announcements, blogging about writing life and what I am working on, or excerpts from my writing. Wednesdays will be reviews, or as I see it my chance to give a shout out about something that interests me. Fridays will be my column, when I talk about whatever I wish to talk about. This is all a work in progress, so I might change things as I find a system that works better. For the month of June I will do two blog posts a week to give myself a learning curve. With the way 2020 is going so far, we will see how it turns out.

My interests are very eclectic, so I have a hard time focusing on one topic. Thanks to anyone who views this page as I start my blogging/publishing journey. I hope it will be interesting enough to return to.

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