What are Influencers Really Selling?

We are now in the age of influencers. People who have social media following, covering every niche topic imaginable. Being an influencer requires no degree, but enough people hanging on their posts to be considered influential. This essay is prompted by my going...

Magick is NOT Self Help

Edit: I forgot to add the link to Conspirituality Podcast. Oops. Those of us who were practicing in the 90’s remember the heyday of the Barnes and Noble metaphysical section. It was a whole aisle filled with tarot decks, Llewellyn books, and some on astrology/crystals...
Corporatizing Alternative Medicine

Corporatizing Alternative Medicine

This post is partly prompted by a documentary I recently watched on Netflix called (Un)well. This isn’t a review of the documentary itself, but it prompted me to write about some things I have been chewing over. I have been getting uneasy with the corporatization of...

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