Last post talked about why when you practice pagan you might need to protect yourself from members of the spirit world.  This post is going to focus on warding. Next post in this series will focus on shielding.

A ward is attached to a place, or centered on an either unmovable or hard to move object. The ward itself doesn’t move.  Think of it as a lock on a door.   A shield is a barrier one can put up to protect themselves or another and moves with the person. Although some people do use the terms interchangeably.

For purposes of spiritual hygiene, periodic cleansing of living spaces is a must. If you’re going to do deep workings, warding is also a must. Think of it as making sure the locks on your doors are extra sturdy.  Its best to set them up before you think you need them. First, before you set up wards, you have to clear out negative energy that is already there.  It doesn’t do any good to reinforce your fence around the garden if the rabbit is still inside.   

Keep Your Space Clean

Simple mundane cleaning does wonders for breaking up energy that can fester and turn negative. A part of ourselves is in our objects, which is why we need to be more careful about what we buy and keep than American capitalism tells us to.

This is why I am a fan of periodically rotating altar items and keeping your space uncluttered.  I admit this is hard for me to actually do, because I am not that clean in my non ritual space.  But it is useful for ensuring energy flow and preventing stagnation.

House Cleansing– Not Just Spring Cleaning

The idea behind house cleansing is simple.  Go through every room of your house from top bottom, in a clockwise circle (the same direction of the sun), clearing out negative energies. There are plenty of different methods—smudging using smoke, bells, athame, wand, sprinkling blessed/magickal water, or simply using your hands to clear energy out.  Herbs that have historically been used for cleansing include sage and frankincense.  End with physically opening the front door, and sweep negative energy out.

A note on smudging: there is concerns about cultural appropriation with its use in Native American traditions.  The basic concept of burning a plant that is considered cleansing and spreading the smoke to bless is one found in many different cultures, but things like white sage and sweetgrass are specific to native tradition (European sage is different from White sage). Only use those from a reputable source to make sure it is not overharvested, and it is approved by members of the tradition, who are hopefully receiving a benefit from the sale. If you can’t verify all of the above, there are plenty of other cleansing plants to use, or consider using a method that doesn’t include burning.

Don’t forget to invite aid to help keep your house clear. It can be a god from your tradition associated with protecting the home, or ancestors, or the spirit of the house itself.  Ask for blessing of the space and continue to keep negative energy out.

Wards Are Layers

Think of wards like layers of security.  There is one that can go over the entire house (living area). Then, think of points in the home that would require more warding.  Bedrooms (especially children’s bedrooms) should have an additional ward because of how vulnerable we are while sleeping.  Any space used for workings should have tighter wards still.

Wards Should be at Points of Entry

While wards are needed at each point of entry, each ward can be different.  People don’t normally enter and exit through windows, so visualizing a steel wall might work there. However, the front door is where people enter and exit your home, so that would require a visualization more like a bubble or a net.  Something that will allow friends and visitors through, but keep out those intending harm, or negative energy itself.

The simplest method would be to draw a pentagram at each window or doorway, while either invoking a spirit of protection and visualizing a barrier to keep out those not invited. However, protective symbols can be placed at windows as long as they are charged with appropriate intention. Window decorations of animals or images associated with protection are a sneaky way to boost wards that fall under the radar.  Think of dogs as guard dogs, dragons, or any animal that would protect the home. Images like stars (for pentagram) or clubs (to ward away) are also useful.

Take Extra Care at Main Entrances

Take the path to your front door.  Note what you pass, and think of places you can add a statue or plant an herb.  Do the same with all entrances to your home.

Lemon juice is useful for making invisible symbols of protection.  Runes require a bit of study, and need to be paid, but are excellent.


gargoyle statue
Not Heimdall, but still a scary gargoyle..

Gargoyles are awesome.  Yes, I know they are Christian, but they are meant to scare away evil spirits and protect those within.  I have a gargoyle named Heimdall who I have had for more than 20 years, and in every place I lived has had a spot on my dresser facing the door.

There are plenty of outdoor statues available of guardians. I mean, why do you think they were invented? So there would be no trouble finding one.  To ask a statue to be a guardian, bless it with water or protection oil. Name your statue. Call it by the name you give it, and ask it to guard wherever you place it. Usually they like some recognition—keep your guardian clean and well cared for, and offer thanks every once in a while.  I rarely need to leave guardians offerings, although I wonder if because gargoyles are made to be protectors they don’t expect it.

Witch’s Bottles

Kelden’s excellent book The Crooked Path has detailed guidance on creating witch bottles.  They are a bottle of salt, nails, and urine that is buried at or near the entrance.  These have to be replenished every few months, so that might be something to keep in mind in temperate areas where the ground freezes in winter.

Research Your Lore

It should be no surprise that all cultures have various beliefs around household protections. Don’t fall into the trap of cultural appropriation, or use anything from a closed tradition without the blessing of those who are a part of it. There are plenty of traditional symbols, colors, etc that are associated with bringing blessings to a home and keeping bad things at bay.

Although be practical.  Things like a satchel of herbs or essential oils will need to be refreshed periodically. Also consider effects on wildlife for anything left outside.  (I.E, some herbs associated with keeping away negative energies had a practical effect…)

Grow Protective Herbs

Take a look at what plants are beside the walk to your home, especially what flanks your entrance.  Plenty of herbal lore includes herbs meant to protect the house.  Do be practical in terms of what can grow in the space and conditions. Herbs grown for protection can also be allies in green Magick, and should be considered a long term relationship to cultivate.

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