Welcome to Dark is Not Evil

I am Lisa Hario, a writer of Paranormal stories.  The domain refers to “dark” of the Gothic, the macabre, and the shadow. My blog contains my writing, perspective on the writing life, reviews of whatever I find fun and interesting, sharing about Paganism, and whatever opinion I choose to share.

My Recent Posts

Dark Island Check In

I originally intended for the third Monday of the month to be a scene or short I wrote. I admit I haven't been very good about posting every month. A part of it is because I am hesitant to post something that isn't polished. Another reason is I feel if its a scene...

My Definition of Witchcraft

My Definition of Witchcraft

I know this is a minefield to open up.   I am simply stating what I consider to be witchcraft and my reasoning.  It is also the reason that while I remain polytheist, I no longer consider myself a witch. My definition is: Witchcraft is a practice of...

Co-op Farm Tour 2021

The Co-op farm tour is a chance to visit small organic farms in the MN and eastern WI areas. Tours give the public a chance to see how the farm works, and meet with the people who run it. It is usually a Saturday in July and this year was July 10. Guidebooks are...

July Annoucements

July Annoucements

Happy (belated) 4th of July!!! This will be a light posting month, as summer fills up my calendar. After so long of being cooped up inside, I am looking forward to enjoying outdoor festivals, especially now that I have been fully vaccinated against Covid. For this...

Ritual Garb

At some point during an exploration of paganism, the question comes up: what to wear to a ritual? Often, pagan shops and pagans are fond of ritual garb, which can range from black coven robes to historical dress to Ren Fest Garb. Short answer: depends. Daily Ritual:...

Graphic Novel Review: Ghost by Dark Horse

Ghost Omnibus Volume 1 Elisa Cameron worked as a reporter until her murder. But she returned as Ghost, who phases at will while packing an automatic. Remembering nothing of her life as Elisa, Ghost tries to piece together her past and even reconnects with her younger...

Last Night, A Superhero Saved My Life Book Review

Last Night, A Superhero Saved My Life edited by Liesa Mignogna Edited by Liesa Mignogna, the anthology Last Night a Superhero saved My life includes essays by well known authors discussing the superheroes that have had an impact on them. Its more than just “my...

Curse of the Fears

Monthly Fiction Short strange, how I started talking about superheroes and this is what came out. I have had an outline for a novel of the curse of the Fears, but its been on the "maybe someday" project list. I think I just haven't become excited about it. But this...

Gods in Pop Culture

To continue with superhero month, I wanted to talk about gods in pop culture today. With the MCU becoming so popular Norse gods seem to be everywhere, and are now probably the most popular pagan gods in pop culture after the classical deities that remain household...

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