Welcome to Dark is Not Evil

I am Lisa Hario, a writer of Paranormal stories.  The domain refers to “dark” of the Gothic, the macabre, and the shadow. My blog contains my writing, perspective on the writing life, reviews of whatever I find fun and interesting, sharing about Paganism, and whatever opinion I choose to share.

My Recent Posts

Ritual Etiquette

Ritual is a very important part of paganism, as it is a religion based on action rather than belief. Even with all the possible varieties of pagan ritual, there are some general guidelines as to the etiquette expected. When exploring different traditions and trying to...

April Announcements

April Announcements

Spring is here! And so are taxes. Posting will be light this month as I am in my last month of volunteering. I will be doing one post a week, except for this week because I have the latest entry of the Journey to Paganism series is due on Friday. Next month I hope to...

Paganicon Review

Disclosure: I signed up to volunteer at Paganicon this year, and helped out a bit before the cancellation in 2020. Of all the beloved events 2020 forced to cancel/reschedule/ go online, Paganicon was one of the first. I am glad the organizers decided to cancel last...

Review: A Court Of Silver Flames

A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas 2021 Following the war with Hybern, Nesta Archeron has devoted herself to one nights stands, spending her sister’s money, and driving away everyone who cares about her with her barbed tongue. Upon being given a fantastic bill...

Basic Skills: Shielding

Basic Skills: Shielding

A shield is psychic protection an individual builds around themselves. It is meant to move with the person, as opposed to a ward attached to a place or anchored in an object. This is a very basic skill for protection that can be built upon. It can also be used for...

March Announcements

March Announcements

March marks a full year since Covid ruptured the lives of Americans. Now, a vaccine is making way through the populace, but this still isn't over yet. May those who still suffer get the care they need, may families find comfort in their grief even in a pandemic, and...

House Cleansing and Setting Wards

House Cleansing and Setting Wards

Last post talked about why when you practice pagan you might need to protect yourself from members of the spirit world.  This post is going to focus on warding. Next post in this series will focus on shielding. A ward is attached to a place, or centered on an...

Apothecary Teas

Apothecary Teas

Apothecary Teas sells loose leaf teas, both herbal and the various types of tea proper. Sizes available start from samples and go to 7 oz bags. Flavors range from well known green tea compounds to unique herbal mixtures. I learned of Apothecary Teas through 3PAC, and...

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