Welcome to Dark is Not Evil

I am Lisa Hario, a writer of Paranormal stories.  The domain refers to “dark” of the Gothic, the macabre, and the shadow. My blog contains my writing, perspective on the writing life, reviews of whatever I find fun and interesting, sharing about Paganism, and whatever opinion I choose to share.

My Recent Posts

Review: Fairies: A Guide to the Celtic Fair Folk

Fairies: A Guide to Celtic Fair Folk by Morgan Daimler 2017 Moon Books Written for both the complete newbie and student of fairy lore, Fairies is both informative and engaging.  Morgan Daimler explores the traditional lore in mainly Celtic cultures. She discusses...

December Announcements

December Announcements

First, some good news: I have a short story titled "The Red Angel" which will be in an anthology titled the Vampire Connoisseur coming out early 2021 by the Nightmare press. I read an excerpt here. I will update with the official listing when the book is out. Pagan...

Shop Review: Magus Books and Herbs

Full disclosure: I have been a patron of Magus for over 15 years through the three locations.  I have taken many classes there and have a personal relationship with the owners.  However I am not receiving anything for this review. My COVID shutdown care...

Podcast Review: Around Grandfather Fire

Full disclosure: I have had a rune reading done by Sarenth Odinsson, but I am not receiving anything for this review. Sarenth Odinsson, Jim Two Snakes, and Caitlin Storm Breaker host Around Grandfather Fire, the podcast of all things Pagan and all things gamer...

Tarot Writing Exercise: 3rd Monday Fiction

This is from a writing exercise for a class I took this summer. We used the Steam Punk Tarot deck and you had to pull three cards and write a scene. Mine were Protagonist Queen of Swords, situation Seven of Cups, Action Seven of Swords. Enjoy! Heart of the Land The...

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