Welcome to Dark is Not Evil

I am Lisa Hario, a writer of Paranormal stories.  The domain refers to “dark” of the Gothic, the macabre, and the shadow. My blog contains my writing, perspective on the writing life, reviews of whatever I find fun and interesting, sharing about Paganism, and whatever opinion I choose to share.

My Recent Posts

How I Found My Stove

How I Found My Stove

During the time when we were only supposed to leave the house for survival, I discovered a mystical apparatus in my kitchen.  This device heats at a slower pace than the microwave and has 4 circles that become hot when a dial is turned.  Through mystical...

A First Last Board Game-3rd Monday Fiction

This is my first installment of what I hope to be a monthly series. On the third Monday of the month I will post a piece of fiction. It might be scene from a larger work, or a short short. This is from a writing class exercise about the end of the world. Picture...

Review: A River of Royal Blood

Book cover to River of Royal Blood I won an autographed copy of A River of Royal Blood by Amanda Joy at the Twin Cities Book Festival.  I chose this book because the cover art appealed to me.  So while I got a free autographed copy, I have no connection to...

The Pitfalls of Research

The Pitfalls of Research

It feels like standing up in an AA meeting to say “I am a writer”.  Truly, a writer is an identity as much as a career.  You will always be getting new plot ideas, creating new characters, and finding new stories to tell. One piece of advice given is “do you...

We Get the World We Make

We Get the World We Make

We get the world we make.  Not the world we wish for.  Not the world we dream of. But the world we are willing to make. I admit I have gotten cynical about protesting.  Governments have gone ahead and done what they already planned despite...

Hello World!

Hello World!

I am Lisa, a writer of Paranormal, Fantasy, and Young Adult. I am working on many projects, but my current WIP is about a girl who has super powers and is experiencing PTSD. I hope this blog will follow my progress and rising star. Or rants about whatever I feel like,...

2020: The Year to Burn Your Planner

2020: The Year to Burn Your Planner

I planned to start my blog on June 1, with a post about me, and the schedule of my blog. But like many with the best laid plans of 2020, things happened. On Wednesday I will make the post I had originally planned on today. Currently there is the public upheaval over...

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