Welcome to Dark is Not Evil

I am Lisa Hario, a writer of Paranormal stories.  The domain refers to “dark” of the Gothic, the macabre, and the shadow. My blog contains my writing, perspective on the writing life, reviews of whatever I find fun and interesting, sharing about Paganism, and whatever opinion I choose to share.

My Recent Posts

May Announcements

May Announcements

Happy May day! Happy Bealtaine! In Minnesota, that rumored spring and start of summer has yet to arrive as we have had chilly rainstorms for the last few days. It is coming, we are promised, and we get a few nice days to tease us… I can’t help but feel spring in...



Art can be a way to honor our gods, tell pagan stories, or simply make our home pretty. Original artwork is expensive for a reason. An amateur oil painter once told me $300 for a painting didn’t cover her materials.  Even a print mounted in a good quality frame...

The Way of Fire and Ice Book Review

The Way of Fire and Ice by Ryan Smith 2019 Llewellyn Publications In the Way of Fire and Ice, author Ryan Smith provides an introduction to what he terms Radical Norse Paganism. This is essentially inclusive Norse Paganism that firmly shuts the door on white...

Beyond Pagan Books

Beyond Pagan Books

Researching Paganism Without Breaking the Bank Practicing a neo-pagan religion often requires research, and the norm is for a pagan home to have bookcases. We are truly in a boom of pagan publishing, with plenty of books on niche topics beyond Wicca 101 that include...

April Announcements

April Announcements

March was a busy month. With Paganicon, Spring Break, and taxes volunteering (as well as having to do my own taxes, yay), it feels good to get back into the routine of regular life. I only have two more weeks of volunteering, and while I enjoy it getting free time...

Paganicon 2022

Full disclosure: I have volunteered with Paganicon on the Marketing Committee. However, no one has approved this post. It is purely my opinion and experience. Paganicon is a 3 day Pagan gathering that is on the weekend of the Spring Equinox that is back for the first...

Make it Yourself

Make it Yourself

When deciding whether or not to make something yourself or buy it, there is a calculus that needs to be made: is the investment required to learn how to make it yourself and do it well (or at least not sucky) greater than the cost of simply buying it? Depending on how...

Be a Smart Shopper

Be a Smart Shopper

Just because you are buying items for your religious practice, does not mean you have to take your consumer glasses off.  The same common sense and discernment used for making other shopping decisions will work for buying items for your pagan practice. Dollar Store,...

March Announcements

The same thing is on my mind as what is probably on everyone else’s mind: the war in Ukraine with Russia. May Ukraine defend their country against Russia, and may civilians escape the bloodshed and be safe. There is at least a million Ukrainians displaced already, and...

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