The Morrigan:Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might by Courtney Weber 2019 Weiser Books

Using historical sources and the experiences of modern devotees, author Courtney Weber explores different aspect of the Morrigan in turn.  Goddess of sovereignty, prophecy, and war, through this work Weber demonstrates there is more to the Phantom Queen than being a sexy badass. With rituals and knowledge useful to the advanced practitioner as well as those new to the Morrigan’s call, there is something for everyone from the casual seeker to the budding devotee.

It is hard to strike a balance between academic information and spiritual experience, but I do feel that is done very well.  The information about the Morrigan in myths combined with personal stories shows how She continues in the modern world.  The rituals and spells are simple and accessible.

I will say that while I am familiar with the Morrigan I am not in a current devotional practice to Her.  If I was ever in a situation that could be considered going in to battle, she is definitely a god I would go to for aid.  My honest disclosure is I am approaching this book as someone interested in learning about the Great Queen rather than a follower.

That being said, Morrigan is more than worth the time to read.  This book shows gentler aspects of the Morrigan beside the Dark Goddess most people think of.  She is the maternal nurturer who brings you in your own power.  The healing through cutting away.  The one who teaches the painful lesson of letting go.  The author’s own experience, and including experiences of other devotees, is the personal stories I feel paganism needs.  The lesson is while you do need to approach with respect and understand there might be intense experiences, do not be afraid the Morrigan will upend your life for petty reasons. 

Over the last few years a lot of the taboo around so called “dark” gods has been falling away, although I say the Morrigan still bears a lot of that mystique.  I am grateful I have bever been in a situation that I felt I needed to ask her for aid.  Not out of fear, but because I see Her as the big guns for serious situations.  With the current social upheaval and the push by so many to claim their sovereignty and the power to tell their own story, Her presence is definitely making itself known.  Weber’s book is a good resource for those who hear her call, as well as those who wish to work with the Morrigan.  The numbers of whom have been growing.

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