When Not to Be Thrifty

When Not to Be Thrifty

While saving money is good, there are times when not to be thrifty. Sometimes what you really want is the good stuff, or the cheaper alternative that simply doesn’t work. Not every substitution works for everyone. Crafters if anything underprice their wares, so I...
June Announcements

June Announcements

Summer is finally here. For real this time. Really. We promise. The actual nice weather and bright sunshine is a welcome end to the school year.  But now as the news is filled with shooting after shooting, I have lost count of how many have occurred in the last...

Uvalde: Our Nation’s Reckoning With Guns

I am changing my normal blog schedule to talk about what is on the minds of this country and beyond: the school shooting in Uvalde. This is truly a horrific occurrence, that happens too often in the United States. No parent should have to be afraid of their child...
Do Not Steal!

Do Not Steal!

Throughout this series I have given suggestions to save money on items for the practicing pagan that are both legal and ethical. I am choosing to put this on my blog which is free for all, and will most likely stay that way.   But that is a choice I, the writer,...
Pocket Book Friendly Offerings

Pocket Book Friendly Offerings

An offering is a sharing. It is when you set something aside to give to whatever persons you work with. There are no strings attached. An offering is shared with the purpose of establishing, maintaining, or deepening a relationship. If the only time a friend called...

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