Make it Yourself

Make it Yourself

When deciding whether or not to make something yourself or buy it, there is a calculus that needs to be made: is the investment required to learn how to make it yourself and do it well (or at least not sucky) greater than the cost of simply buying it? Depending on how...
Be a Smart Shopper

Be a Smart Shopper

Just because you are buying items for your religious practice, does not mean you have to take your consumer glasses off.  The same common sense and discernment used for making other shopping decisions will work for buying items for your pagan practice. Dollar Store,...
Repurpose What You Have

Repurpose What You Have

You don’t have to run to the nearest witch store to assemble an altar. When trying to be thrifty, think about what purpose an item fills and try to find another item that will do the same. Take a look at what you have and think about how you can give your stuff...
Fallow Period in Your Practice

Fallow Period in Your Practice

Soon it will be the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. It feels an appropriate time to talk about something everyone will face in their practice of whatever flavor of paganism they are a part of. It is the fallow period. Taking the first steps on a...

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