This is another topic that ended up getting split in two parts because as I started writing I realized there was more to it.  While paganism always has a powerful local component, we also have to learn to navigate positive relationships, ones that are just due to proximity, and what really should not be messed with. Next blog post will be about the practical methods of shielding and warding that everyone should know. This is to explain why everyone should learn those skills in the first place.

Modern neo paganism has faced an uphill battle reclaiming words like witch.  Paganism faces centuries of propaganda and misunderstanding around our sacred traditions, and a whole bunch of bad information mixed in with romantic notions.  Once you begin to accept there are otherworldly beings out there who form relationships with humans that are beneficial for both, you also have to learn to accept there are beings on the opposite end of the spectrum. Most cultures have a word for supernatural beings who are malevolent, and seek to harm humans.  They also have beliefs around ways to protect yourself from them.  I don’t think we give our ancestors enough credit for understanding the world around them.

I personally think most spirits fall into the middle range of the spectrum.  Basically, leave us alone and we’ll leave you alone, but if approached the right way would be willing to engage positively. I can’t help but feel there is a similarity to teaching kids about strangers in today’s culture.  Yes, some people out there do want to harm kids, so teaching kids not to accept a ride from a stranger is good.  Abuse is real, and adults need to know and understand the signs. This doesn’t mean you have to teach kids to be afraid to say hi to someone who speaks to them politely, or believe if a parent’s eyes aren’t constantly on their kids a great claw will emerge and snatch the child away.

It All Comes Back To Discernment

If it seems repetitive to bring up discernment, that is because it is so important in any pagan practice. Learn who you are, the good and bad. Be able to step back think critically of different experiences, without rationalizing away what you know is true.  Step away enough to wonder if the emotional reaction is you due to social programming or bad experiences, or is indicating something is up. Don’t just go on to what you want to believe or what you are afraid to believe. Have a good diviner on speed dial, or people who can help give critical perspectives on your experiences and insights that can keep you grounded.

Humans Are Not the Center of The Universe

Going back to my belief most beings would be content to be left alone.  Spirits of nature pretty much want to do their thing, without anyone adding nasty stuff to their waters or digging up their ground or slaughtering their animal en masse.  You can’t really blame them for not being able to tell humans responsible for environmental destruction from everyone else, and not having any interest in forming relationships with those who took what was dear to them.

I talked about different types of beings in my Not Just Gods post, so I won’t go through all the different types now.  I will just say most have their own things to do that have nothing to do with us.

A Question of Language

Unfortunately, the word in English used to describe malevolent supernatural creatures is “demon”.  A word that has a lot of baggage, in that pagan gods or spirits that were loved and respected were called demons. Becoming pagan in western culture means having to overcome social associations of pagan imagery = evil, malevolent entity.

Because the word has been so misused, there is a reluctance among pagans to use demons to label what are clearly beings the word was meant to apply to.  It is hard to overcome the baggage of what was considered evil isn’t, but that doesn’t mean go off the other deep end.

The problem is, we really don’t have a word separate from demon that clearly describes malevolent entity without the Christian/ anti-pagan baggage.  Any other word used feels like a euphemism or long winded way of saying the same thing. Until someone comes up with a better idea—a word for malevolent entity without messy Christian baggage—demon is what we are stuck with. I use the term to apply to a spirit that is by nature malevolent, and doesn’t fit into another category.  Not one that has a bad day, a sense of humor deadly to humans, or a bad history that turned it to be not so happy with people.

Pop Culture is Not Helping

Drama comes from danger. Which sells books and movies and TV shows.  Special effects have gotten much better at creating images of the unreal to look and feel real. Media images and narratives have a powerful influence on the culture at large.  Whether or not you like them, you have to accept they have power.

While some horror movie imagery does draw off legitimate folk beliefs or paganism, the vast majority is turned darker, removed from context, or dramatized. There is a catch 22 with paganism and horror: it’s a genre that actually includes a lot of pagan symbols and ideas.  Horror however has the purpose of scaring people, which rarely means it is accurate, or presents such imagery as positive.

Horror movies also tend to leave out the easy ways people can protect themselves from unwanted knocking on their door.  If horror movies included psychic mediums using proper shielding techniques and made sure to bring nothing back there goes 90 % of the movie. Or even if people had good sense. Paranormal Activity, for example.  The main characters invite a psychic to their home after experiencing strange occurrences.  Psychic says in no uncertain terms this is a demon, I don’t fuck with them, talk to this guy.  Had they followed the advice and actually done so, no more rest of the movie or any of the sequels.

At the end of the day, studios wants to make money.  It takes a lot of people (and money) to make a mainstream movie.  The goal is to appeal to the largest audience possible, which to be frank is not practicing pagans. If pagans started producing movies for other pagans that were box office smash hits, things might change.  Until then, don’t bet on it.

New Age Positive Thinking is Just as Bad

Yes, getting over the hurdle that everything supernatural that is not Christian is evil is progress.  That doesn’t mean going over the cliff in the other direction is any better. Not really caring what we do also includes not caring if someone does something stupid and gets harmed.  You wouldn’t give a complete stranger keys to your car or leave your doors unlocked.  Don’t do the equivalent on the astral.

Good intentions must be supported by good action, empathy, and discernment.  Good intentions are not enough to do good. See all the things in human history started with good intentions that ultimately caused harm. In short, just because it wears horns doesn’t make it evil, but being blond with wings doesn’t make it good either.

Just Because You’re Upset, Doesn’t Mean it is a Demon

This is a place where personal discernment is key.  Being in the presence of an ancient being far greater than yourself is scary, even when there is no malevolence in it. Just because you feel fear or nervousness in the presence, does not equal bad guy. I can say from personal experience, when you do have an experience there is an “oh shit” when you know, I don’t mean think or believe, but know to the bottom of your soul this is real.

But the flip side is: trust your gut.  Something doesn’t feel right, follow it, and do some divination from a neutral source. The experience that gave me an oh shit feeling I am talking about contained a message that while blunt, was ultimately meant to push me to improve rather than make me feel terrible about myself. Not all gods are sweet and nice.  They have a better idea of what people need rather than what they want. 

But to go back to discernment: is a seemingly harsh message meant to help you in the end? Acknowledge a flaw, responsibility for bad choices, realize you are lying to yourself about a person or situation? Or is the harsh message just causing harm and trauma?  If it is the last, that is a warning sign to run away.

Tricksters Reveal the Hidden, Hypocrisy, or Make a Joke– But Are Not Cruel

Western culture has a hard time with the idea of the trickster, the fool, the liminal one.  The one who brings change may not be out to harm, but can cause harm by bringing the necessary change.

There is a difference between satire that while biting, exposes a truth, and jokes at someone’s expense that are just mean. Cruelty is for those who don’t have power to be beaten down a little more.  Satire and humor is a way of saying out loud things that would open someone to attack other contexts.

I know I open with discernment, but really feel it is important enough to close with as well.  Don’t let fear of running into something nasty keep you from exploring the Pagan path.  But don’t abandon good sense and think the world will catch you if you jump off a cliff either.

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