Welcome to Dark is Not Evil
I am Lisa Hario, a writer of Paranormal stories. The domain refers to “dark” of the Gothic, the macabre, and the shadow. My blog contains my writing, perspective on the writing life, reviews of whatever I find fun and interesting, sharing about Paganism, and whatever opinion I choose to share.
My Recent Posts
Role of Pagan Clergy
John Beckett’s recent post on why Pagan groups are cash poor left me thinking I should talk about the role of pagan clergy. Most pagans are converts, and many grew up Christian or at least with an idea of a hierarchical clergy. Pagan groups aren’t organized on the...
My Pagan Prayer to Bride
I wrote this during the border crisis before the pandemic. Even if things are slightly improved I suspect the prayer is still needed. I meant this to be a prayer to Brigid, using one of her names Bride. Prayer to Bride My Lady, Bride of the shining Sun For the...
Being a Good Creator Does not Make a Good Manager
The recent Joss Whedon controversy regarding his behavior toward actresses on Buffy and Angel, hit me as a Buffy fan. I think it speaks to some larger problems in our society. As a writer, I understand being upset you have to rewrite a storyline you are invested...
Review: Witch’s Heart
The Witch's Heart By Genevieve Gornichec 2021 Penguin Random House After being thrice burned by the Aesir, the witch Gullveig flees to Ironwood without her heart. With few memories of the time before, she takes the name Angrboda and becomes the witch of Ironwood. When...
Pagan Prayer
I have always been a pagan who prays. Sometimes it is to beg for help, give thanks and share joy, or admitting I have no idea where to begin. When I tested positive for Covid, I prayed to Brigid because she is a goddess of healing. I told her if she kept us from...
May Announcements
The month of April was marked by COVID. The short version is the Wee Dictator had an outbreak at school and had to quarantine, and then I got it. Everyone is fine now—I was the only one who got it, and I didn’t have a severe case. I basically did what I normally did...
Prepare and Prosper
For the last several years I have volunteered at a non-profit called Prepare and Prosper. They do taxes and offer financial services to lower income people at no cost. The services they offer include opening accounts for people who aren't able to get a regular...
Allergies, Asthma, Sensitivities Oh My! Incense Alternatives
Page through books on paganism and it becomes abundantly clear rather quickly pagans love to set things on fire. A group I happily fall into. But for someone who has respiratory issues like asthma, allergies, or any chemical sensitivities, this can form a barrier. I...
Cerridwen: Celtic Goddess of Inspiration
Cerridwen: Celtic Goddess of Inspiration by Kristoffer Hughes 2021 Llewellyn Publications Using scholarly sources and his own experience, chief of the Anglesey Order of Druids Kristoffer Hughes takes the reader on a journey to explore the history of the Welsh Goddess...