Welcome to Dark is Not Evil
I am Lisa Hario, a writer of Paranormal stories. The domain refers to “dark” of the Gothic, the macabre, and the shadow. My blog contains my writing, perspective on the writing life, reviews of whatever I find fun and interesting, sharing about Paganism, and whatever opinion I choose to share.
My Recent Posts
Thoughts on Curtis Flowers and the Tardy Furniture Case
Now that charges against Curtis flowers have been officially dismissed, In the Dark released a final episode that is an interview with Curtis. I recommend it highly. I have written about it in my review of the podcast, and did a blog post on the prejudice...
Review: Out For Blood: Book 2 of the Blood Royal Saga
Out for Blood: Book 2 of the Blood Royal Saga by Delia Remington I am reviewing the second book without reviewing the first book in a series. I read the first book about two years ago and felt I had to reread it to do a fair review, and I was too eager to see...
Loft Wordsmith Conference: Writing Conferences in the Time of Pandemic
I will say this straight out: unless all conference presenters and attendees are in different places, a physical conference is better than an virtual conference. But this is the world we live in, and to keep everyone safe virtual is how it is going to be for a good...
Not Just Gods: Working With Other Powers
Not all pagans worship gods. It is true paganism contains a belief in many gods (although what kind of belief and sometimes even non-belief falls into many different camps, which will be a different post). However, believing the gods exist does not mean one has to...
October Anouncements
Fall has now officially come. It is chilly out and the leaves are turning. October is my favorite month-- I love Halloween! The weather is usually cooler, you need to start bundling up, but not yet the cold of winter. I love Jack-o-lanterns, caramel apples, spooky...
Beyond Protesting:Things to do to Bring About Change
I wrote a rough draft of this essay in 2017, and it had been languishing in a folder ever since. With the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I have felt the need to take action, but unsure of what. I have gone to many protests and felt nothing changed. Protests do have a...
Podcast Review: Mythology and Tales
I am reviewing two podcasts at the same time because they are both on the Parcast network and have the same host. “Tales” and “Mythology” are weekly podcasts that tell a story. They both use TV structure—there is an introductory scene that ends with a hook, then...
Hanging Up the Phone: When You or a Deity Decide the Relationship is Not Working
This is written with the assumption the reader is a beginner Pagan who was raised in a Monotheistic religion or at least grew up in a society that saw Monotheism as the norm. This blog post confronts what I see as baggage brought in by the Monotheistic mindset,...
3rd Monday Writing
This is another scene from my WIP. With the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the conversation about what makes a hero popped into my head. I am editing some plot points out, and there is strong language. I hope you enjoy. Yes, Maria is much older but I liked the picture....