Welcome to Dark is Not Evil
I am Lisa Hario, a writer of Paranormal stories. The domain refers to “dark” of the Gothic, the macabre, and the shadow. My blog contains my writing, perspective on the writing life, reviews of whatever I find fun and interesting, sharing about Paganism, and whatever opinion I choose to share.
My Recent Posts
Review: The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might
The Morrigan:Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might by Courtney Weber 2019 Weiser Books Using historical sources and the experiences of modern devotees, author Courtney Weber explores different aspect of the Morrigan in turn. Goddess of sovereignty, prophecy, and...
Receiving the Call: Tuning the Godphone and Learning Discernment
Welcome to the second in my year long series of beginner Pagan topics. You can read the first entry in the series here. Communication between a person and a deity has been dubbed the “God phone” within neo-pagan circles today. Don’t take this literally. ...
September Announcements
Happy Labor day! Posting will be light this month. The wee dictator will be entering a new phase of his dictatorial regime, requiring the entire family to get up earlier. Next month I will be going to the virtual Loft Wordplay and pitching to some agents. Any positive...
Teachers Are Being Turned Into Artists
Teachers are increasingly being asked to pick up the slack of school funding—both in supplying their own classrooms, while being offered salaries that buy less and less. This shifting of responsibility is treating teaching less like a profession, and more like a...
Review: Circe
Circe by Madeline Miller 2018 The book Circe is the story of the witch from the Odyssey brought to vivid life. The daughter of Helios the sun god and the nymph Perse, Circe discovers she has a strange power unlike those of other gods. She is able to unlock...
Making the Call: Reaching Out to Gods
This is the first I in a year long series of beginner Pagan topics. Today I will explore first steps of reaching out to a deity. For any feedback or ideas for future topics, please feel free to either comment below or contact me. Back in my wee Pagan days the popular...
Coming of Age Ceremony in my WIP
I haven’t been sure how much I wanted to open up about my current project and pitfalls I have fallen into. It requires me being honest about missteps I have taken, or at the very least explaining my thinking and how it has evolved. This is the background to the...
Review: Magic for the Resistance
Magic for the Resistance by Michael M. Hughes 2018 Llewellyn Books Confession time: I did not buy my copy at my favorite witchy store. I bought it at Half Price Books. It was the one good book on the shelf smashed between Conway and Cunningham. ...
3rd Monday Scene: Maria at the Ancestral Shrine
This week I decided to share a scene from my WIP. The main character, Maria, is a teenager in the process of being adopted by the Aliannon family, who are an elder race that live for centuries. To prepare she must spend time alone at the ancestor shrine to present...