Happy Labor day!

Posting will be light this month. The wee dictator will be entering a new phase of his dictatorial regime, requiring the entire family to get up earlier. Next month I will be going to the virtual Loft Wordplay and pitching to some agents. Any positive energy would be appreciated.

I am starting a year long series every other Friday of introductory Pagan topics. It is titled Journey to Paganism, and the first post is here. I wanted to title it Pagan Pathfinder, but unfortunately when anyone sees path finder they will think of the RPG. This is non-fiction writing commitment for me, and I am approaching it with an attitude of experimentation. There isn’t much good general pagan beginner info out there. Most tend to be Wicca focused, or maybe a specific path focus. My intention is to go through basics to help someone find their own path, and point them in the right direction for further research. I am a habitual dabbler, so I have introductory knowledge of a wide variety of topics. I don’t intend the series to be any sort of an end, but merely a starting point. If you have feedback or ideas for future topics you want me to cover, please contact me.

With that in mind, I will be doing my third Monday scene, three reviews (including last week’s review of Circe), and the new Journey to Paganism series. Hopefully everyone has a safe holiday.


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