My WIP check in got delayed by an oopsie.

So its a little ironic to make this post. I decided for the month of August to take a break from current WIP Dark Island, for 2 reasons. The first is in August we went on vacation, and i didn’t think I would be able to stay knee deep in revisions. The second is I realized I was forgetting exactly what was in this draft. When revising a scene, I realized I had decided to reveal a plot point much earlier in this draft and had to make changes. I am hoping a month away from the draft I can come back to it with fresh eyes.

I always have more than one story in different stages, because that is how my brain works. For August I am putting together a rough draft of a story taking place in medieval England. It is so rough I don’t want to talk about it more than that. I am doing some research to try to anchor the story historically. I am looking for a change in the law from 12th to 16th Century England that resulted in lower classes losing their land. I have a few ideas, but seeing what i find. For this month my goal is to have a rough draft and list of questions/topic to research. So hopefully I can work on this one in between Dark Island.

With writing it is usually good to have a primary work and maybe a secondary and tertiary work. Sometimes they feed into each other in strange ways. (I am hoping I can sneak some vampires in to my historical work). But I am eager to get back to Dark Island, and it feels so odd that the month is half over.

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