My Definition of Witchcraft

My Definition of Witchcraft

I know this is a minefield to open up.   I am simply stating what I consider to be witchcraft and my reasoning.  It is also the reason that while I remain polytheist, I no longer consider myself a witch. My definition is: Witchcraft is a practice of...

Ritual Garb

At some point during an exploration of paganism, the question comes up: what to wear to a ritual? Often, pagan shops and pagans are fond of ritual garb, which can range from black coven robes to historical dress to Ren Fest Garb. Short answer: depends. Daily Ritual:...

Gods in Pop Culture

To continue with superhero month, I wanted to talk about gods in pop culture today. With the MCU becoming so popular Norse gods seem to be everywhere, and are now probably the most popular pagan gods in pop culture after the classical deities that remain household...

Path Vs Pantheon VS Practice

A Pagan path, practice, and pantheon that one worships are not the same thing. Three concepts that while they overlap, there is confusion and they are not the same thing. As someone progresses on their Pagan journey understanding how all three intersect is valuable....

Role of Pagan Clergy

John Beckett’s recent post on why Pagan groups are cash poor left me thinking I should talk about the role of pagan clergy. Most pagans are converts, and many grew up Christian or at least with an idea of a hierarchical clergy. Pagan groups aren’t organized on the...

My Pagan Prayer to Bride

I wrote this during the border crisis before the pandemic. Even if things are slightly improved I suspect the prayer is still needed. I meant this to be a prayer to Brigid, using one of her names Bride. Prayer to Bride My Lady, Bride of the shining Sun For the...

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