Dark Island Check In

I originally intended for the third Monday of the month to be a scene or short I wrote. I admit I haven’t been very good about posting every month. A part of it is because I am hesitant to post something that isn’t polished. Another reason is I feel if its...

X-men and I

I got into the X-men the way most kids of the ‘90’s did, through the animated series. I had read some comics before then, I used to read Barbie as a kid and my brother started giving me his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics when he stopped being interested. I...

Exercise Routine as Writing Session

To continue with the theory of applying exercise to writing, this post will talk about how to structure a writing routine. These are ultimately guidelines. The book Strong Women Stay Slim says the best exercise to try is one that you enjoy, and know you can do a few...

Treat Writing Like Exercise

In our thin obsessed culture, information on starting an exercise routine is everywhere. Lately I have been doing research into the science of how we learn and how our minds work for creating the structure of school on Avalon. (The politics behind education, as...

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