Labyrinth Shadow Cast by NerdDoms Review

Labyrinth Shadow Cast by NerdDoms Review

The Labyrinth (for those who don’t know) is a movie done by Jim Henson from 1986. Teenager Sarah accidentally summons the goblin king Jareth, who takes her baby brother. Sarah then has 13 hours to complete Jareth’s Labyrinth and rescue her baby brother, before he...
January Announcements

January Announcements

Happy New Year! After a hiatus, I am back. I blame end of semester project which sapped all my creative energy followed by holidays, and then a fallow period where I needed to recover. The good art is I know what to expect next semester end, so hopefully will do a...
December Announcements

December Announcements

Winter, which had been kind to us so far, came to Minnesota with a vengeance in the form of our first major snowstorm this winter. Now is the magick of digging out your car and frantically praying to Manannan Mac Lir to open the way home while on slick roads. To...
Pagans and Horror Genre

Pagans and Horror Genre

Within the Pagan community, there are many fans of the horror genre.  The Wicker Man is a horror movie especially beloved. This at first glance makes sense—horror movies often depict the supernatural, and with it witches, magick, and paganism. However, it is odd...

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