Welcome to Dark is Not Evil
I am Lisa Hario, a writer of Paranormal stories. The domain refers to “dark” of the Gothic, the macabre, and the shadow. My blog contains my writing, perspective on the writing life, reviews of whatever I find fun and interesting, sharing about Paganism, and whatever opinion I choose to share.
My Recent Posts
January Announcements
Happy New Year! After a hiatus, I am back. I blame end of semester project which sapped all my creative energy followed by holidays, and then a fallow period where I needed to recover. The good art is I know what to expect next semester end, so hopefully will do a...
December Announcements
Winter, which had been kind to us so far, came to Minnesota with a vengeance in the form of our first major snowstorm this winter. Now is the magick of digging out your car and frantically praying to Manannan Mac Lir to open the way home while on slick roads. To...
Pagans and Horror Genre
Within the Pagan community, there are many fans of the horror genre. The Wicker Man is a horror movie especially beloved. This at first glance makes sense—horror movies often depict the supernatural, and with it witches, magick, and paganism. However, it is odd...
Sandman Netflix Series
In 1916, Roderick Burgess traps the Sandman, AKA Dream of the Endless, AKA Morpheus, in a failed attempt to capture his sister Death. Over a hundred years later, Morpheus seizes on a crack in the magick containing him and a sleeping guard to escape. When the...
November Announcements
Go Out and Vote This might be a late message because elections are the day after this goes up but: vote. There are many reasons this midterm is important, but we get the world we make. Local elections are doubly important this year, so make sure you educate yourself...
A Simple Samhain was a Good Samhain
This year for Samhain our ritual was simple. I cooked a meal, and we laid out a plate for the ancestors. To celebrate Halloween, I passed out candy to Trick-or-treaters, then watched Crimson Peak after the Wee Dictator had gone to bed. (Crimson Peak is a good...
Twin Cities Book Festival 2022
A festival for book lovers and writers alike, the Twin Cities Book festival had another fabulous year. I left as I always did with a bag full of books to read (hopefully many of which will be reviewed here if they are as good as I think they are) a lot of business...
Definitions of Terms
In a lot of my blog posts, I have a habit of using terms like witchcraft and pagan practice interchangeably, and I felt there were a few other terms I should clarify. What follows is my definitions, and what I mean when I use these words. Other people might disagree,...
October Announcements
I hope everyone had a Happy Mabon! Now it is time for apple cider, candied apples, Nightmare before Christmas stuff appearing everywhere and the annual opening of Spirit pop up stores. Bonfires and hayrides hopefully as well. Spooky stories around the campfire....