Welcome to Dark is Not Evil
I am Lisa Hario, a writer of Paranormal stories. The domain refers to “dark” of the Gothic, the macabre, and the shadow. My blog contains my writing, perspective on the writing life, reviews of whatever I find fun and interesting, sharing about Paganism, and whatever opinion I choose to share.
My Recent Posts
Paganism and Witchcraft: Not Just for the Wealthy
I started my pagan journey while a teenager in the 90’s. This meant I had very little in the way of funds, and couldn’t be flashy. The days before social media, I pieced my knowledge together one book at a time. My first tarot deck was from Barnes and Noble, back in...
Overturning Roe is Not About Abortion
The news that Roe vs Wade was overturned was a gut punch. There is rightly plenty of discussion about what the consequences of restricting abortion and the legal mess this puts doctors in. But like many issues around abortion, the focus is so much on abortion itself...
July Announcements
Happy 4th of July! Please Support 3 Pagans and a Cat Recently, the podcast 3 Pagans and a Cat announced one of their host, Car, is leaving. Car and Gwyn also are going through an amicable divorce. I reviewed their podcast here, but in short it is an excellent source...
Monarch of Lightning Review
Monarch of Lightning by Danith Mcpherson On the eve of announcing her pregnancy, Janvian witnesses the assassination of her husband. Now a monarch of Lorcha carrying the next heir to the throne, Janvian realizes even the order of mystics tasked with keeping order...
Sacred Baths, Blessings, and Cleansings
Cleansing is essential for every pagan, and especially those who do any magick or spiritual work, needs to be done on a regular basis. Sometimes, we all need to clear out the gunk. Just as mundane cleaning helps cleanse and clear out stagnant energy in our spaces and...
When Not to Be Thrifty
While saving money is good, there are times when not to be thrifty. Sometimes what you really want is the good stuff, or the cheaper alternative that simply doesn’t work. Not every substitution works for everyone. Crafters if anything underprice their wares, so I...
June Announcements
Summer is finally here. For real this time. Really. We promise. The actual nice weather and bright sunshine is a welcome end to the school year. But now as the news is filled with shooting after shooting, I have lost count of how many have occurred in the last...
Uvalde: Our Nation’s Reckoning With Guns
I am changing my normal blog schedule to talk about what is on the minds of this country and beyond: the school shooting in Uvalde. This is truly a horrific occurrence, that happens too often in the United States. No parent should have to be afraid of their child...
Do Not Steal!
Throughout this series I have given suggestions to save money on items for the practicing pagan that are both legal and ethical. I am choosing to put this on my blog which is free for all, and will most likely stay that way. But that is a choice I, the writer,...