July Announcements

July Announcements

Happy 4th of July! Please Support 3 Pagans and a Cat Recently, the podcast 3 Pagans and a Cat announced one of their host, Car, is leaving. Car and Gwyn also are going through an amicable divorce. I reviewed their podcast here, but in short it is an excellent source...
June Announcements

June Announcements

Summer is finally here. For real this time. Really. We promise. The actual nice weather and bright sunshine is a welcome end to the school year.  But now as the news is filled with shooting after shooting, I have lost count of how many have occurred in the last...
May Announcements

May Announcements

Happy May day! Happy Bealtaine! In Minnesota, that rumored spring and start of summer has yet to arrive as we have had chilly rainstorms for the last few days. It is coming, we are promised, and we get a few nice days to tease us… I can’t help but feel spring in...
April Announcements

April Announcements

March was a busy month. With Paganicon, Spring Break, and taxes volunteering (as well as having to do my own taxes, yay), it feels good to get back into the routine of regular life. I only have two more weeks of volunteering, and while I enjoy it getting free time...

March Announcements

The same thing is on my mind as what is probably on everyone else’s mind: the war in Ukraine with Russia. May Ukraine defend their country against Russia, and may civilians escape the bloodshed and be safe. There is at least a million Ukrainians displaced already, and...
February Announcements

February Announcements

Happy Imbolc! We still have a few months left of winter in the frozen tundra, but Imbolc marks a halfway point. There is a small thaw, and the knowledge we have endured until now, we will make it through the rest of this winter without turning into ice cubes. Just...

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